Practical Metaphysics Class

Practical Metaphysics Class
Wednesdays, April 11— May 16, 7:00 pm
Learn what it means to live from a deeper place of consciousness--live the abundant, true life you desire—in a class facilitated by Rev. Mindy and Rev. Nickie with this book from renowned spiritual leader Eric Butterworth.  Together we will explore what the author of Discover the Power Within You shares as his profound insights on living metaphysically.

We invite you to awaken to the centered place of your own truth and offer you paths to health, love, prosperity, and peace of mind.

Love Offering.

The book is available in the office, the lobby on Sunday mornings, and at the class for $17.

May 16th, 2018 7:00 PM to June 21st, 2018 12:00 AM