Town Hall Meeting 1/31 @ 12:30 pm


The purpose of this Town Hall meeting is to introduce candidates who are running for the 2021-22 Board of Directors, to present the content of the 2021 Budget, and to share the general format of how we will be conducting the Annual Meeting on February 28th.  If time permits, there will be time toward the end of the meeting to invite voicing concerns and questions.  All members and friends are urged to attend and participate.  

Here are the agreements our Board is asking people attending the meeting to make:

a)     I will use only use “I” statements to state my beliefs, opinions, and/or feelings

b)    I acknowledge that what a person is saying is true to them, even if it not true for me

c)     I will not share third hand information or feelings, no hear-say

d)    I will not speak while another is speaking

e)     I will not participate in cross-talk, while another is speaking

f)      I understand that the facilitator may reframe or ask for a reframe of a statement

g)     I understand the facilitator may call for a time of silence at any time

h)    My “yes” is affirmation of agreement and becomes a benchmark of my integrity

i)      A time limit on each speaker may be imposed

j)      No one will speak a second time until all who want to speak have had an opportunity to speak


If you are planning to attend the meeting, please read the full description of our Town Hall Agreements by clicking here.

If you would like a copy of the Proposed 2021 Budget, please email Wendy here.