The I-A-M Project

Engage this six-week spiritual practice of creating your own success by following along in Unity of Wilmington's weekly e-blast newsletter. 

As we explore covenants, we are inviting you to create a covenant with yourself and the Universe. We are calling this the Intention to Action to Manifestation Project or the I-A-M Project.   

(If you have not already signed up for our weekly e-blast newsletter, please click here.)

Week Three:

Over the past few weeks, we have talked about covenants in the Bible between God and Noah, Abraham, and Jacob.  Now let’s take a look at agreements between two or more people. For us, the definition of an agreement is doing what I say I am going to do or not doing agreeing parties.  Agreements are a part of our energy flow system, and when we do not honor agreements, we disrupt that flow. 

Sometimes we make agreements because we have difficulty saying no to someone we love or someone we see as an authority figure. We often override what our genuine desire is and make agreements more out of a feeling of obligation.  Many of us were not taught how to renegotiate agreements when we have discovered they no longer resonate with what we want or need in life.  It takes courage to stand in our power and be true to ourselves.  One easy way to renegotiate an agreement is to share with the person you made the agreement with that after you have reflected on the agreement, you would like to change it. Then, share what you are willing to do and what you are not willing to do.  Both parts, what we are willing to do and what we are not willing to do, are essential to keep our energy flowing.  The previously bound up energy is now available for us to create what we most want in life.  

In the Intention-Action-Manifestation project, we have spent a few weeks determining our intentions.  Now it is time to look at what action steps we are willing to take to energize our intentions.  Think of this process as an agreement you are making with yourself.  Let yourself take time to choose action steps that would be pleasurable to you and bring you joy as you move forth on your journey.  Have fun intending and creating action steps.  Then generate gratitude as if these intentions to actions have already manifest. 

Click here if you would like a structured worksheet. (worksheet #2)

Week Two:

The idea for this project came from Catherine Ponder who picked up on Jacob’s Covenant for Success.  Jacob was the third major character in the Hebrew Scriptures to “make a deal” with God.  The first was Noah, the second Abraham.  We often say “make a deal” with God because from the outside looking in, from this point in time looking back, we could possibly interpret the unfolding of events as a conditional agreement (if I do this, God will do that) – or – we could recognize the choice these three iconic figures made was to live from their divine nature AND OF COURSE the consequence of events unfolded in a way we recognize as Divine.

One of the most difficult differences between Unity and traditional Judeo-Christian-Islamic religion is that in Unity we believe that God is Principle.  As Principle, God doesn’t DO anything.  Follow the logic, if God doesn’t do anything, then who/what does?  We do.  We as individuals are the only ones who can put ideas into action, bring thoughts and feelings into being, and who can engage in the activity of creation.

We, and we alone, have the power to shape the expression of Divine Ideas.  We, and we alone, have the power to manipulate our thoughts and feelings.  We, and we alone, have the power to mold our consciousness.

Interjecting a little levity – no pressure.

Abraham became the father of all nations (ideas in unlimited expression).  Jacob became the father of Israel (inspiration of spiritual wisdom).  What is it that you want to become in expression?  How would you like to apply I-A-M Intention to Action to Manifestation?

Week One:

As we begin the new year, we are exploring covenants. There are five covenants in the Hebrew scriptures and one in the Christian scriptures. A covenant is an agreement between two or more individuals.  We are looking at agreements between God and different characters in the bible. 

The first covenant in the Hebrew Scriptures was between God and Noah.  It occurred after what is often called the great flood.  The story begins in Genesis 6:9 and goes through Genesis 9:19. Noah was considered a man of integrity, and as the story goes, he was chosen by God to build an ark to keep his family safe and preserve a pair of every species of animal on earth by bringing them onto the ark.  After the rain stopped and the waters receded, a rainbow appeared, symbolizing God and Noah's covenant that God would never destroy the earth again. 

Click here if you would like a structured worksheet. (worksheet #1)