Note from the Revs. 3/5/21

A Note from Rev. Nickie:
We are all uniquely beloved expressions of God.  We all have a variety of gifts that, when we are expressing with ease, we feel confident and competent in our lives.  The expression of our facilities brings joy and leads us to create a life lived full out.   Our purpose for living is to express as much of our divine nature as we can at any moment. 

We can reflect on all aspects of our lives.  We can identify obstacles and contemplate how to move around each barrier, so they do not hinder us. We can express infinite love.  Joy abounds when we recognize we are the flow of our own lives and have the power to create our best possible life.  This is what creating heaven on earth is all about.  Remember, heaven is a state of consciousness within us.  We are entirely in control of how we respond to life.   

One experience that arises when we are not living full out is that we experience stress.  When we block our creativity, we experience stress.  When we choose to be less than who we are called to be, we experience stress.  Stress creates 80 to 95 % of all diseases in our bodies.  Every day we come to the point of choosing.  We can react or respond to life.  

We can learn to listen to inner guidance in meditation, then have the courage to take action.  With practice, we can hone discernment so that our experience is uplifting.   The application of spiritual principles that align us with our Divine nature helps us live in a state of peace and harmony:  heaven on earth. 

If you wish to reach out:
Rev. Nickie Golden
Rev. Mindy Tucker