Notes from the Revs: Rev. Mindy and Rev. Nickie

As we as co-ministers move forth from Unity of Wilmington, we most want you to know how honored we have been to serve this spiritual community.  There have been some difficult moments, yet overall, the time here has been rich with deep, heart-to-heart connections.  The moments of sharing in each other’s lives through conversations before and after service, for laughter and joy during a game night, for celebrations of life as we honor someone’s passing have been filled with Love, and more.  We have prayed together, sung together, danced together, and overall opened ourselves to the power and presence of God in our individual and collective lives.

We are sad to leave this fantastic spiritual community. The first time we heard the stirring of Spirit that it was time to go, we were stunned. Then, over time, we opened up to the possibility of giving up the good life for a different life in service to another spiritual community.  Now, we share the excitement of creativity and stepping into something new.  Each of you has impacted our lives in a way we will carry forward because each of you has been a gift and an opportunity in our lives that has informed our way of being.  We move forward with heart-felt gratitude and joy. 

We love you.  We bless you.  We appreciate you,
and we behold the Christ you are!